Sage 100 Sales Orders Enhancements available

Friendly Systems is a branch of DSD Business Systems, and we can assist you with a variety of DSD Enhancements for Sage 100. Some popular enhancements for Sage 100 Sales Order module include:
Multiple Customer Deposits on a Sales Order – SO-1032
This Enhancement allows for an unlimited number of deposits to be applied to a Sales Order, and allows deposits from A/R Cash Receipts to be applied to a customer’s Sales Orders. Additionally, Terms Codes may be associated with Payment Type to provide defaulting logic. This Enhancement is NOT compatible with any Credit Card Processing applications by third-party developers in the Sales Order, however credit card processing can be done in AR via cash receipts. This enhancement is great for companies who take multiple deposits/payments for Orders in process.
Multiple Invoice Due Dates – SOMD
Six new Due Date/Invoice Amount fields have been added to S/O Invoice Data Entry. The Sales Journal will print these new fields for each invoice. Only one Invoice History record will be created for the main invoice, however, multiple Open Invoice records will be created in the Open Invoice file, each with a different Due Date. The A/R Aging will reflect these Due Dates. This enhancement is useful to companies who have multiple due dates, and can pay the multiple open invoice records in cash receipts.
Sales Order Upsell – SOUS
Sales Order Upsell is a perfect Sage 100 enhancement for companies looking to increase sales by upselling items during order or invoice entry. The SOUS enhancement allows users to define an unlimited number of “Upsell Items” for inventory items. When entering a sales order or sales order invoice, these items will appear as suggested add-on / upsell items that the customer may wish to purchase and can be automatically added to the order.
Surcharge by Payment Type – SOPT
This enhancement is ideal for users that charge their customers for Credit Card transaction fees. This DSD enhancement allows surcharges to be created for different Payment Types. These surcharges are automatically added to Sales Orders/Invoices as a Miscellaneous Charge.
Master Invoice – SOMI
This enhancement adds the ability to combine multiple sales order invoices onto one “Master Invoice” after posting. The master invoice number is recorded in the Invoice History files and can be modified at any time. This enhancement also adds the ability to receive payments from customers by master invoice in cash receipts entry. Master invoice is valuable to companies who have multiple orders for customers and want to display only one invoice.
Invoices with Multiple Due Dates SO-1241
Allows up to twelve due dates to be assigned to designated Terms Codes during S/O Invoice Data Entry. A percentage of the invoice amount can be designated due for each of the due dates. This enhancement is best for companies looking to have multiple due dates, or Days until Due terms setup for one invoice.
Quotation Entry SO-1386
Adds a new ‘Quotation Entry’ menu option to the Sales Order Main Menu. Quotation Entry is beneficial to companies who enter quotes on a regular basis.