End of Windows 7 support in January 2020. Sage 100 ERP versions that support Windows 10

Microsoft has announced the end of Windows7 support (fixes, security-updates) as of January 2020. Microsoft will offer paid-support plans for Windows 7 workstations after January 2020 for up to 3 years. Sage 100 versions from version 2015.4 forward have been tested with Windows 10. Sage 100 versions before 2015.4 are NOT certified for Windows10. If your company is running Sage 100 2015.3 or earlier – you want to make plans for upgrading your Sage 100 software before you update your workstations to Windows10.
Note that Sage 100 ONLY supports Windows 10 PRO or Enterprise versions, not the home versions.
How to find what version Sage100 you are running?
Sage 100 Version 2015.3 is labeled 5.2.3 on either the Classic launcher or the New launcher. On the Classic launcher-screen, click on the top-line Help, then scroll down and click on About Sage 100.
On the new launcher-screen, click About on the far-right top line.
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