xTuple ERP 4.11.2 focuses on CRM and xTuple Commerce

This release includes features that have been added to the application since the xTuple ERP+CRM 4.11.1 . The focus has been on xTupleCommerce infrastructure and enhancing the capabilities of CRM. A number of minor fixes were added also.
Quotes’ & Return Authorizations are available to attach as documents on the Documents tab (anywhere documents can be assigned).
Add fiscal year filter to trial balance. Similar to the accounting period filter, this allows you to view the activity for each period within that year as its own row with the transactional history for the period. If you choose to filter by a specific GL account on this screen but exclude a period, it will show you the kind of info desired but it will put in any period with activity with no way to filter by fiscal year.
Add Ship-to Parameter to SalesOrder: When creating a new sales order, the Shipto_id is available to the form in addition to the Cust_id.
Ability to add Documents to Journal Entries Documents’ tab is added to ‘Simple G/L Journal Entry’ & ‘Series G/L Journal Entry’ screens.
AP & AR Credit and Debit Memos: – all types of accounts i.e. Asset, Liability, Revenue & Expense are available to select for AP & AR Credit & Debit memos. Miscellaneous Debit and Credit Memo’s will not have account list filtered.
Misc. Vouchers Tax Type default: The Tax Type can be set in ‘Purchase->Vendor List’ Vendor ‘Settings’ tab and will be displayed as default.
Ability to create prospects from contacts in ‘Contacts’ screen.
Incidents history is correctly displayed with respective to the notes changed under ‘History’ tab.
Support multi-select in CRM lists to process multiple objects. User can select multiple contacts, address Prospects, and CRM Accounts and able to change/update a Characteristic.