Enter Sage 100 orders on your iPhone – Mobile Sales free trial download

iSales 100 is an advanced mobile sales automation for wholesale distribution, exclusively for Sage 100. The Sage developer xkzero created iSales 100 and offers free trial downloads of the product from the Apple iStore, and you can try it with your Sage 100 company data or you can use the ABC demo company data provided by Sage. You simply download the app, synchronize with your Sage 100 company data and you can start using iSales 100 on a trial basis – a great way to experience the mobile sales system without a formal demo, or purchasing the product. They also offer assisted product demos to show you all the features of iSales 100 that are useful for your company. You can access and add/update Sage 100 customers, contacts, quotes and orders and lookup and check on inventory stock levels. iSales 100 can run independently of Sage 100 (you do have to sync the data to retrieve the latest Sage 100 data and send your transactions back to Sage 100). The iSales 100 module does NOT require additional Sage 100 user-licenses for mobile users. Let us know if we can assist you with trying this free iSales 100 trial demo.