Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) in Sage 100

Sage has just released payroll updates for Sage 100 that enable setting up for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which takes effect April 1 and is valid for leave taken between April 1 and December 31 2020. You will need to update Sage Payroll to version 2.20.1 and then also install Program Fix PR6024T. Sage Payroll version 2.x is compatible with Sage 100 versions 2018 and higher. Updates are not available for the legacy payroll module used with version 2017 and earlier.
Instructions are available from the Sage support website. A login is required to actually download the programs.
These updates cover:
- Emergency Paid Family Medical Leave
- Emergency Paid Sick Leave Self
- Emergency Paid Sick Others
Note that you will have to manually monitor your entries to make sure they do not exceed the prescribed limits of coverage.
Update 4/7/20: according to Sage support, when an employee needs to be paid both Covid-19 and regular pay, for the time being, the employee will need to receive 2 checks: one for regular pay and one for Covid-19 pay. Yes, this may lead to splitting deductions.
Friendly Systems customers, please contact us for assistance in installing the updates and setting up the new tax rules.