What’s new in Sage 300 Version 2019
Depending on your purchase agreement, some features described here may not be available in your product.
New features and improvements in both Sage 300c web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:
Global Search. Type a name, description, number, or code in Global Search to quickly find transactions or records in your database. You can search for people, companies, transactions, accounts, and many other types of records.
Export Declaration Number field. In Accounts Receivable and Order Entry, you can now enter export declaration numbers for individual invoice details. This information is required for tax purposes in some jurisdictions (such as Malaysia and Singapore).
An Export Declaration Number field is available on the:
Details table on the Document tab of the A/R Invoice Entry
A/R Detail Accounts/Taxes screen (in classic screens).
Details table on the Invoice tab of the O/E Invoice Entry
O/E Items/Taxes screen (in classic screens).
Sage 300c web screens improvements
This release includes the option to install Sage 300c web
screens: modernized versions of Sage 300 screens that you can use in a web browser. The release includes a number of new web screens, as well as new features and enhancements for existing web screens.
Web screens run in parallel with the classic Sage 300
desktop screens, so there’s no need to choose between desktop or web. Everyone in your organization can use the interface that best suits their needs, while working seamlessly with a single shared set of company data.
Sage 300c 2019 web screens:
Improved Inquiry tool. The Sage 300c Inquiry tool has been
redesigned to be more powerful and versatile. It includes many new standard queries, and you can now create your own custom queries.
Note: The A/R Documents and A/R Customer Documents queries
that could previously be opened from the Inquiry tool on the web toolbar are now opened from the navigation menu instead.