Sage 100 and Sage 100 Cloud 2018 enhancements have been added each quarter

The major features of Sage100 and Sage100Cloud version 2018 are the new Payroll and new JobCost modules, but Sage continues to add enhancements with their quarterly product updates to many areas in the system. Here are some of the significant changes recently added:
Sage 100 Payroll 2.0 in new business framework with grid data-entry screens and enhanced reporting options. Default tax profile – for use with new employees. Tax profile maintenance program. Enhanced Benefits features. Key payroll data is now stored in an encrypted format for greater security. Data is stored by year and month, you don’t have to close a payroll period or year to process payroll in a new period or year. Earnings & Deduction code maintenance enhancements allowing different calculation types per code. W2 reporting options have been enhanced. Memos can be added to payroll data entry. There have been continual Product Updates for the Sage 100 Payroll Module every quarter and are currently scheduled every quarter through March of 2019.
Sage 100 Job Cost module in new business framework with grid data entry and enhanced reporting options. Integrates with Payroll, AR, AP and Sales Order. Allows management of deferred revenue and expense. Allows data-entry batches. All reports are in Crystal Reports format to allow you to modify them with Crystal Reports designer. You can have multiple “saved” Report-Settings for reports. Product updates have tweaked 39 issues in the new Job Cost system.
Sage 100 Spell Check feature for memos, comments, contact-notes and a few other places. You can modify the dictionary and spell settings.
Inventory Warehouse settings: Active, In-Active (prevents use in data-entry) and Restricted (prevents entries during Physical or Period End) You can set a date-range on a warehouse’s Restricted status. Sage 100c subscription plan users only.
SAP Crystal Reports 2016 for Sage (version 2016SP04) now ships with Sage 100 and 100Cloud 2018. The following new features are included in this version: Conditional formatting of boxes and lines, including the ability to conditionally suppress Vertical text alignment at Top, Middle, or Bottom. A GetValueDescriptions function to display parameter value descriptions in your report layout
Direct data access for SQL Server 2014
Office 365 connectivity for Sage Contacts plug-in (interface with Outlook) – Sage100Cloud only.
Custom Office: Ability to Exclude UDF’s from Report Selection Grids. This allows you to un-clutter your report selection screens of UDF selections not needed.
Inventory Item Images Open in Windows Photo Viewer
Auto Generate Purchase Orders from sales Orders – several new features have been added for more flexibility in handling drop-ship Sales Order lines.
Apply Multiple Sales Orders to an invoice in Sales Order Invoicing
Reprint Sales Orders and Quotes from History
Exclude Sales Orders Being Invoiced from Reports
Search AP Invoice History from Vendor Maintenance
Mobility for Bar Code (formerly Bar Code) – enhanced for the Scanco Mobile App