DSD Business Systems popular Enhancements for Sage 100 and Sage 100cloud (subscription plans)

DSD Business Systems, as a Sage GOLD Development Partner (allied with Friendly Systems) will be at the Atlanta Sage Sessions on June 5th, 2018. Visit their demonstration area and view their enhancements or ask questions about how your particular use of Sage 100cloud system might be enhanced.
Sage 100 has been re-branded as Sage100cloud. DSD Business Systems offers many popular enhancements to the Sage product:
- Multi-Currency for Sage 100cloud – need to pay or receive money in a different currency? Our Multi-Currency solutions offers options for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Purchase Order, Sales Order, Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) and more.
- Accounts Receivable Cash Collections – setup call codes and track collection call attempts through multiple contacts, define past-due threshold by customer, credit hold utility (remove holds during cash receipts), collection letter printing and more.
- Multi-Bin For Sage 100cloud – the DSD / ScanForce Multi-Bin Advanced can be enabled for tracking multiple bin locations for Inventory by Warehouse Code, Product Line or Item Code. Auto-allocations from bins occurs during data entry. Supports on-the-fly bin location transfers. Fully integrated to the ScanForce Warehouse Management Solution. Native Sage 100cloud only supports one bin per warehouse. With DSD / Scanforce you’ll expand your bin locations to fit almost any warehouse layout.
- Service Center for Sage 100cloud – track inventory from sale to repair. If an item needs to be repaired, replaced or returned create a Service Order to track the processing through your operation and accounting. View warranty status and as you process repairs maintain a complete service history.
DSD Business Systems offers solutions to turn your Sage 100cloud system into a powerful multi-company accounting program:
- Accounts Payable Multi-Company Processing – allows a managing company to process A/P transactions for an unlimited number of subsidiary companies. You can even print multi-company Aging, Trial Balance, and Vendor Purchase Analysis. Pay the same vendor from multiple companies on a single check.
- Accounts Receivable Multi-Company Customer Synchronization – enter your customer data into one company and have it synchronize instantly across multiple Sage 100cloud company codes.
- Accounts Payable Multi-Company Vendor Synchronization – enter your vendor data into one company and have it synchronize instantly across multiple Sage 100cloud company codes.
- General Ledger Multi-Company Processing – allows a managing company to process G/L transactions for an unlimited number is subsidiary companies.
- Multi-Company Financial Consolidation – allows combining multiple company data into one financial statement all within Sage 100cloud.
- General Ledger Daily Transaction Register by Company – print and update the Daily Transaction Register for multiple companies at once
- Multi-Company Inventory Transaction – transfer inventory easily between separate Sage 100cloud companies and warehouse. All inter-company allocation entries are automatically created.
- Multi-Company Purchase Order – with this enhancement the Purchase Order, PO Receipts Entry, and PO Return Entry have a new Company Code on the lines tab enabling multi-company Purchase Order processing.