Sage 100 and Sage 300 September discounts

Sage Software’s fiscal year ends September 30th, so they are offering some discounts and promotions through the end of September. Some discounts are for those who have discontinued their Sage Maintenance Plans and want to re-enlist on an annual maintenance plan. Other discounts are for those who want to move from the Sage perpetual plans to the Sage 100 or Sage 300 “c-line” subscription plans – which offer connectivity to Sage endorsed 3rd party modules and services. If you are considering changes to your Sage ERP system, review these discounts to see if they may apply to your needs. If you need additional Sage user-licenses, you can buy 4 and get one free. See the list of September discounts and promotions below.
Sage 100: perpetual-only customers save 25% on product licenses when they get back on plan with Sage 100c
Sage 100: On-plan customers get fifth user license free when they buy four licenses.
Sage 100 perpetual-only customers save 25% on reinstatement fees when they sign on to a maintenance plan.
Sage 100 and Sage 300: On-plan perpetual customers save up to 10% on first-year fees when migrating to c-line subscription
Sage 100 and Sage 300: On-plan perpetual customers can migrate early to c-line at no charge for the remainder of their current plan year
Sage 100 and Sage 300 customers can add new modules and save 10% on each Endorsed Solution purchased.
Sage 100 and Sage 300 ERP customers get one free month subscription with purchase of Sage Inventory Advisor (NetStock) Endorsed Solution.
Sage CRM: On-plan customers get fifth user license free when they by four.