Creating Custom Lookups in Sage 100 (Mas 90/200)
Most of the data entry screens in Sage 100 ERP contain a lookup option for various fields. Customer Maintenance, for example, contains lookups for the customer number, salesperson number, terms code and other fields. If you press the magnifying-glass lookup icon, you are able to scroll through a listing of all your customers, salespeople, etc. For customer codes, the lookup panel contains the customer number, customer name, zip code and phone number. You can customize any of these lookup panels to meet your needs. You can change the data elements that are displayed, change the arrangement of the data and even add calculated data fields to the lookup. By customizing the displayed data in your lookup, you can create “mini” reports to give you information almost instantly. An excel-button on the bottom right of the screen automatically exports the data on your lookup to excel, or you can print the screen results.
Procedures for creating custom lookups: Click the magnifying-glass icon for the field you are looking up, then note the CUSTOM button on the lower-left of the screen. CUSTOM leads you to screens that help you create as many custom lookups as desired, and you can choose one of your custom lookups as your default-lookup instead of the standard lookup provided. You can add or delete data fields to your lookups, change the order of the fields displayed, add selection criteria for the records retrieved and even add new calculated-fields to any of your custom lookups. You can also have your Custom lookups use selection-filters to limit the entries displayed – such as selecting “Georgia Customers” or COD Terms customers. If you spend a lot of time hunting for information in your system: customers, vendors, invoices, etc – take some time to experiment with the custom-lookup features provided. Let us know if we can help.