Cool changes for Sage Mas 90 and Mas 200
Do your Inventory Physical Count Worksheets and Variance Registers print pages of zero-balance items you no longer have? Add an option to Physical Count Worksheet Creation: Include zero-qty items? If this is NOT checked, zero-qty items are excluded when creating/freezing items in Inventory Physical Count, and when printing on the Count Sheets and Variance Register. Saves lots of paper.
Customer Pricing based on Average Cost. Mas 90 / 200 bases pricing on standard costs. If your item costs change frequently, we can change your customer-pricing to work off of average-costs, so pricing and price-breaks reflect the changing costs.
Default PO Ship-to Address code based on the user who enters the PO. This is useful when you have multiple locations to get deliveries from suppliers. Entry mistakes mean goods go to wrong location. We change PO Entry. Example: User AAA PO’s default ship-to address code to 111, user BBB’s PO’s default ship-to address-code to 222. Goods get shipped to your correct location.
Credit-Memos can incorrectly affect sales commissions if the product cost has changed since the original invoice. If this is a problem, we can add an “Original Invoice” field to credit-memos, and then populate the credit-memo with inventory costs from the original invoice – so the salesperson’s commission change reflects the original invoice costs.
Since we are a Sage Mas90 / Mas200 Master Developer, we can make needed changes like those above. Call us at 678-273-4010 ext 4 for more details.