Completing partially shipped Orders in Mas 90 / Mas 200
Do you have Sales Orders with un-fulfilled lines that linger in your system for months? Here are some ways to complete a partially invoiced Sales Order in Sage MAS 90 and 200 where a smaller quantity than the amount ordered has been invoiced or shipped. The Sales Order Open Order report allows you to select only backorders so you can get a list of these orders.
1. Set items to automatically complete if invoiced at a partial or zero quantity:
2. Invoice/ship the remaining quantity left on the line item(s).
3. Delete the sales order.
4. Edit the sales order and invoice it with only a comment line.
1. Set Sales order line items to be considered fulfilled and completed automatically:
Make sure that in Inventory Maintenance for the item, the Options tab is already set with the “Back Orders” checkbox deselected (unchecked). When a sales order line is only partially invoiced or shipped, the line is considered fulfilled/completed and will be deleted from the order in Sales Order Entry. When all the lines of a sales order are considered fulfilled/completed with the partial invoice (or shipping), the sales order will be considered completed and purged from Sales Order Entry.
If Retain Sales Orders/Quote History is selected in Sales Order Options, then in Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry, the order will show with a “Complete” status. Note: The line item in sales order history will show the actual Ordered and total Shipped quantities.
2. Invoice or Ship the remaining quantity left on the line item(s):
This only works if in Inventory Maintenance for the item, the Options tab is set with the “Back Orders” checkbox selected (checked).
Enter an Invoice or Ship a Sales Order referencing the original sales order.
When prompted “Do you want to ship the complete sales order?” select “Yes”. Edit the quantities to be invoiced (or shipped).
To complete the order, make sure to enter the full remaining quantity of each line item still to be invoiced (or shipped).
Print and update the Sales Journal.
When all the lines of a sales order are considered fulfilled/completed with the additional partial invoice (or shipping entry in Shipping Data Entry), then the sales order will be considered completed and purged from Sales Order Entry.
If Retain Sales Orders/Quote History is selected in Sales Order Options, then in Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry, the order will show with a status of “Complete Order”.
Note: The line item in sales order history will show the actual Ordered and total Shipped quantities.
3. Delete the partially invoiced or shipped sales orders. Any previous invoices or shipping entries posted for the sales order will remain posted. Access the order in Sales Order Entry. Click the “Delete” button to remove the order.
If Retain Sales Orders/Quote History is selected in Sales Order Options, and Retain Deleted Orders/Quotes is set to “Yes”, then in Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry, the order will show with a status of “Deleted Order”.
4. Edit the sales order and invoice it with only a comment line. This procedure allows a partially invoiced or shipped sales order to be completed without actual invoicing/shipment of additional quantities. This avoids showing the order as Deleted in Order History.
Access the order in Sales Order Entry. Highlight the line item(s) that are not to be further invoiced or shipped.
Edit the Ordered quantity to equal the Shipped quantity. Accept the order. Create a new invoice referencing the sales order in Invoice Data Entry. Select “Yes” when prompted with “Do you want to ship the complete sales order?” Notice there are no line items on the invoice. Enter a new “/C” comment line with a comment, such as “Order received in full. No more on order to be shipped.”
Print and update the invoice via the Daily Sales Reports/Updates process. As all the lines of the sales order are equal for Ordered and Shipped, the sales order will be considered completed and purged from Sales Order Entry.
If Retain Sales Orders/Quote History is selected in Sales Order Options, then in Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry, the order will show with a status of “Complete”. Note: The line item on the order in sales order history will show the modified Ordered (not the original) quantity along with the actual Shipped quantity.